Hospital and Wellness Service Information
Your pet’s health is important to you! Our main goal is to see that every pet lives to its maximum potential. Our name literally means, “One who watches over,” and we take that role very seriously. Founded in 1965, by Dr. Marsh Malcolm, our office has been helping people and healing pets for nearly half a century. Quality is more than a buzz-word here. This means our facility and staff receive regular quality inspections that stipulate a higher standard of care than the State of California requires. Our people make the difference! Each person here desires that you and your pet receive the information and treatment needed to live a long life.
Our Doctors
Dr. Palmquist
graduated from Colorado State University where he was a member of the Phi Zeta honorary, and received the Upjohn Award for clinical proficiency in small animal medicine. He emphasizes an integrative approach to medicine and believes that healing begins with understanding. As the Medical Director, he seeks to bring the gentlest form of healing to each case. Dr. Lara Orme performs surgery, general medicine, dentistry, and acupuncture. Our practice also uses many board certified specialists, and our cardiology service consults with the top service in the US. We maintain active relationships with local specialists for management of difficult cases in medicine, dermatology, neurology, surgery or oncology.
Our doctors utilize a wide variety of healing arts to customize healthcare for your pet, which include: Bionutritional Analysis®, Nutritional Counseling, Behavioral Services, Physical Diagnostics, Laboratory Testing, Vaccine and Immune System Evaluation, Parasite Control, Radiology (Xrays), Ultrasound, Endoscopy, Electrocardiography, Dentistry, Surgery, and Holistic Therapies such as Acupuncture, Herbs, Homeopathy, and Low Energy Photon Therapy. Physical therapy and injury recovery techniques are also available. Our office integrates Western medicine and surgery with Alternative procedures to assist patients in healing and staying well. Doctors attempt to use the gentlest technology possible. Bathing and boarding services available by reservation.
Hours of Operation
The regular office hours are 8AM-6PM Monday through Friday and 8AM –12PM Saturdays. Doctor’s hours are by appointment. Emergencies are accepted during normal business hours, and our office sees life threatening emergencies first and appointments next. We attempt to accommodate walk-in visits as the schedule will allow. In case of an emergency after-hours, call 310-558-6111
for instructions.
Fees and Payment Options
Doctors and staff are happy to discuss fees with you. We are happy to provide estimates on request. Payment is due when services are rendered, and a deposit of 50% of the estimate is due on all hospitalized cases. We have several payment options for your convenience including cash, checks, Visa, MasterCard, and American Express credit cards. Care Credit® is a program available for persons needing special credit arrangements. Credit is awarded to those who pass the credit evaluation process.
Customized Health Care For Pets
The world wasn’t made with a cookie cutter. The truth is that every Being is one of a kind. At Centinela Animal Hospital we celebrate these differences and our doctors and staff work with you to see that your pet gets the exact healthcare needed. We start with a deep interest in your needs and then search out the best, least invasive techniques to apply. Our goal for each pet we treat is a great, active life. We stress both quality and quantity of life, so that all associated with our office are free to grow and expand and manifest the very best of their God-given qualities.
Puppy Wellness Information
The road to health starts with a safe home, good nutrition, and basic medical care. The path to wellness is distinct for each of us and for each of our pets. The word “doctor” means, “one who teaches.” That’s why our doctors take extra time to find out about each pet we treat, and then strive to deliver effective treatments based on your puppy’s exact needs. Not every puppy has the same risks and so each puppy’s wellness care is tailored to their specific needs. Our veterinarians can assist your puppy with the following: Puppy selection and genetic counsel. Physical examinations and medical treatment. Immune system growth (vaccines, and immune testing). Nutritional programs. Training and behavior. Parasite control programs.
Care That Grows With Your Puppy
Puppies need very special care starting at birth and proceeding throughout their entire lives. We encourage people to keep healthy appearing puppies home and isolated as their new immune systems begin to develop. The perfect diet at this stage is mother’s milk, which contains numerous health building substances. By two-weeks of age your puppy is ready to begin it’s wellness program with it’s first parasite treatment. Parasites sap strength and nutrition, as well as, exposing people to risk of infection. Proper nutrition and parasite control are helpful elements of creating wellness for your puppy. We recommend deworming every 14 days until 8 weeks of age, and then monthly until 16 weeks of age. Puppies need monthly appointments from 8 weeks until 16 weeks for routine care. Spaying or neutering follows if applicable at 5-6 months of age. Proper wellness care sets your puppy up for a long and happy life!
Puppy Questionnaire
Answer these questions so that we can get to know your needs better.
Why did you get this puppy?
a.) Companionship b.) Showbreeding c.) Protection
What diet do you feed?
a.) Commercial Diet b.) Home prepared diet c.) Combination of above
Where did this puppy come from?
a.) Private Party b.) Pet Store c.) Rescue/Shelter
What would you like help with regarding this puppy?
a.) Routine Care b.) Training c.) Other
A Path For Wellness
Wellness is an expression of survival. It isn’t some far-off thing, but rather, something quite intimate. Wellness means being able to go and do and be the best you can be. For a puppy, wellness means having the strength to handle the major blocks to its existence. At Centinela Animal Hospital we work hard to bring information and products to your family that improve wellness. After all, it is easier and far more rewarding to create wellness than fight disease. Too many people spend an entire life’s worry on trying to avoid death and disease. When we focus on creating wellness, the result is a far happier and more rewarding relationship with our pets and families. Life is about living. It’s about action. Join us in living at its best!
A Path For Wellness
Customized Health Care for Your Aging Pet
Aging occurs more rapidly in pets, and no two are the same. An 8-year-old pet is equal to a person in their 50’s. Disease of organs can sneak up and early detection can assist our furry friends to live longer, more pain-free lives.
What is Included?
13-point physical exam, comprehensive blood panel, EKG reviewed by board certified cardiologist, urinalysis, stool check for parasites, and heartworm test if pet is at risk. A customized health program is designed from the results.
Senior Pet Facts
80% have dental trouble.
30% have hidden disease.
Pets over 8-years-old may have altered brain function.
With early detection many cancers can be successfully treated.